
ACON Here for the Hunter

A list of LGBTIQ Health, Social and support groups and services.

Awabakal is a community controlled health service, delivering culturally appropriate health care services, advocacy and social and emotional support to our people.

Provides Support, respite and services to Primary cares of loved ones. Assists carer to maintain ‘self time’, social engagement, and reduce feelings of isolation and overwhelm.

Provides information on all things Newcastle, including a 2023 older persons directory and a community connect directory.

Provides information, resources and support in regard to social justice issues, such as guardianship, homelessness and housing and domestic violence.  Our local FACS ofifce is located in Hamilton West.

Provides Support, respite and services to Primary cares of loved ones. Assists carer to maintain ‘self time’, social engagement, and reduce feelings of isolation and overwhelm.

Provides information and resources regarding the rights and choices available to older people, how to make a complaint and seek advocacy/support when needed.

Provides Health Information and Support when needing admission to hospital.  Also provides a list of useful resources within the Newcastle region.

The Hunter Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre is a not for profit Government funded Neighbourhood Centre which caters specifically for the needs of non-English-speaking background people of all ages. 

Provides information on all things Lake Macquarie. Including information for people over 55 and an extensive Community directory.  Did you know if you are unwell and unable to get to the library, Lake Mac has a library drop off service called the ROVER?

Based in Hamilton. Supports people to settle into Australia, provides care and assistive services to older people through aged care programs, supports enagement and connection with people within their local areas.


Provides older people and/or those that care for them, information and resources regarding government subsidised home and residential care support services.

Provides culterally appropriate information and resources regarding Aged Care support.

The Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre is a not for profit Government funded Neighbourhood Centre which caters specifically for the needs of non-English-speaking background people of all ages. MNC provides support, information, services and programs such as fun and interactive English Classes.

Provides an extensive list of national supports, services and resources available to Aboriginal peoples.
